Dear Derechos Humanos Supporter,
As 2012 comes to a close, the staff and members of the Derechos Humanos family would like to take a moment to thank you for your support this past year, and to invite you to be part of the exciting work we have planned for 2013. We realize that our world is rapidly changing. With conditions worsening for families, millions of people across the world, the country, and in our own community, are courageously lifting their voices to challenge injustice. We feel very blessed to be part of this resistance, and are committed to continue our work for peace and justice for all.
More than ever, we ask for your generous donation so that we can continue our groundbreaking and principled human rights work on the southern border.
With your generous support, Derechos Humanos has been able to make progress in our human rights agenda. We are confident that with allies such as you, we can advance our vision for peace along the border and a true reform to our immigration laws that address the causes of migration and reflect an appreciation of our migrant brothers and sisters.
We need your support to continue our work! 2013 promises to be a critical year, with economic insecurities and a renewed discussion around immigration reform bringing challenges to us all.
Please send your tax-deductible donation of $25, $50, $100, or more if you can today so that we can continue our work to defend human rights on the Arizona border. We need your support!
En solidaridad,
Coalición de Derechos Humanos
p.s. Derechos Humanos staff and volunteers meet every Thursday at 5:30pm at Sam Lena Library (1607 S. 6th Avenue) in South Tucson. We’d love to have you join us. At these meeting we decide what work we will do and who will do it. We can always use more volunteers!
p.p.s. We now offer the convenience of monthly recurring donations– see below for more information!
FFFFJoin the struggle to defend and promote human rights on the border!
We need your support! Your generous donation goes toward our work to create change and promote justice, challenging the borders that seek to divide us.
Contributions make the work we do-“Know Your Rights” trainings and presentations, our Promotoras de Derechos Humanos Program (human rights promoters), community trainings, educational events and actions, documenting the deaths on the border, and assisting with missing migrant reports- possible.
We now offer the option of a convenient recurring monthly donation- just choose the amount you wish to donate, and you’re ready to go! Your recurring donation will help us work toward our goal of sustainability, and provides much needed support!
Click here to make a one time or recurring donation.