April 1, 2018 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
The Disappeared Art Project is an effort to bring attention to the crisis of death and disappearance in the borderlands. La Coalición de Derechos Humanos partnered with No More Deaths to document the ways that border enforcement agencies disappear border crossers on a daily basis in the series of reports: The Disappeared: How U.S. Enforcement Agencies are Fueling a Missing Persons Crisis. This art project is in conjunction with the Disappeared reports as a public mode of communication and connection between the crisis and the public. Nogales-based artist Guadalupe Serrano Quiñonez of Taller Yonke is partnering with La Coalición de Derechos Humanos and No More Deaths to create ten life-size figures that depict migration and disappearance. The figures will be exhibited in Nogales, Sonora and then placed in various locations throughout Tucson, estimated by April 2017. Each figure will include information and the website for the Disappeared report series.
This project relies solely on individual donations and a small grant from the Arizona Commission on the Arts. Please consider donating to support the cost of materials, artist’s compensation, and transportation of the art pieces.